Busy Hands..

Okechi Emezue
3 min readOct 14, 2022


My approach to redesigning the UBA branch locator

I needed to physically go to my bank UBA from the office and i had no idea where the closest one to me was, so i went to the banks website to see if i could locate the closest branch to me. Sure enough they had a function on the website that allows anyone find a branch but locating a branch close to me was very laborious.

I lowkey and quickly conducted some user interviews with co workers to validate my assumptions. Some pain points i uncovered helped me to build a user persona called James Brown. According to James

1: Bank branches are categorised by Geographical zones ( i did not do geography in school)

2: Bank branches are categorised by Alphabets (yes alphabetically)

3: Because of the way the branches are categorised, a user would have to read through each location entry (one by one) in the selected geographical zone to find the one nearest to them. it could sum to quite a high number

branches are grouped by geograhical zones
branches are grouped alphabetically


1: Create a near seamless flow that allows any user in any state find a bank branch closest to them.

2: Reduce the head work involved in finding and navigating to a bank branch.



1: Any user can now easily select the bank branch closest to them as bank branches are now categorised by states, this could help reduce reading time and help the user achieve its goals faster. States are also paginated to not overload the user

For the lovers of geography, you can also click the state map outline to begin your user journey from there

2: Once a state has been selected, you can now easily see all bank branches in that state. Pagination was added to accommodate a possibly large number of branches per state, and to prevent possible infinity scrolling

3: After selecting a branch, user can see the branch position on the map as well as banking hours, distance to the bank from current location via different modes of transport and also initiate map guidance to get real time directions from current location to the selected bank branch.

Additional Notes

UBA is a multinational bank and has branches in various countries. Users can also select their current country and repeat the process

This a non commissioned project and this approach was drafted out as a result of my personal frustrations/for fun

Figma link to interact with entire design : https://www.figma.com/proto/NFkIcSTdRgpGqAnyqZ2cRD/personal?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=1504%3A155&viewport=2412%2C8805%2C0.37&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=1504%3A155

Thanks for reading!



Okechi Emezue
Okechi Emezue

Written by Okechi Emezue

Product Designer, Experience design

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